Coronavirus 2020
Keeping visitors safe
The Coronavirus has affected so much this year and how we live and relax is very different now. We want to reassure guests that when they are allowed to visit The Boat House after lockdown, we have taken thorough measures to help combat the virus.
* Social distancing – we can seat 3 couples at least two metres apart for breakfast.
* If you prefer we will stagger breakfast so you can eat alone in our dining room.
* Breakfast will be served wearing gloves and masks.
* You can book on a room-only basis if you wish.
*Hygiene – we have done a thorough deep clean of all rooms and public areas whilst closed.
* Upon re-opening we will have antibacterial hand sanitiser and hand wipes available in reception for all.
* Room cleaning between visitors will include extra steps to sanitise handles, light switches, bathrooms and surfaces.
We hope you and your family are safe and well and look forward to seeing you when possible.
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